Canadian Collaboration
MILUG loves collaborating with other LUGs (LEGO® User Groups) and we have collaborated with a couple of individual LUGs before including ILUGNY (New York) and GFLUG (Florida). This time, we wanted to try something new. Instead of collaborating with a single LUG, we decided to invite all the RLUGs (Recognized LEGO® User Groups) across Canada to collaborate with us on one big project!
To make it an even greater collaboration, we also decided to connect with our favourite Canadian RLFM (Recognized LEGO® Fan Media) – True North Bricks and to invite the public to get involved via the Guess Who Canada?! contest (contest is now over). We also decided to pick a prize set (XL-15 Spaceship) that was designed by Canadian LEGO® Designer, Chris Perron! You can read more about it in my article on True North Bricks.

The idea
Each RLUG was randomly assigned to another RLUG (not in pairs, but A to B, B to C, C to D, D to A so each LUG connects with two groups instead of one). Each LUG was tasked with learning about the other LUG. This included viewing the LUG’s website and social media platforms, and attending an online meeting hosted by that LUG.
The members of each LUG then had to build something related to the LUG they just learned about or the town/region where the LUG is located. The LEGO® model could be a single collaborative model such as a diorama, mosaic, sculpture, etc., or a collection of smaller models that members built individually.
The LEGO models
Below are the LEGO models presented from East to West. If you are interested in learning more about a specific RLUG, their websites are listed on our Resources page.
NewfoundLUG by CLTC (Calgary LEGO® Train Club)

QueLUG (Quebec) by SLUG (Saskatchewan)

ParLUGment (Ottawa) by SALUG (Southern Alberta)
ToroLUG (Toronto) by MILUG (Vancouver Island)

MBlug (Manitoba) by VLC (Vancouver LEGO® Club)
SLUG (Saskatchewan) by ToroLUG (Toronto)
NALUG (Northern Alberta) by AbbyLUG (Abbotsford)
SALUG (Southern Alberta) by QueLUG (Quebec)

CLTC (Calgary LEGO® Train Club) by MBlug (Manitoba)
AbbyLUG (Abbotsford) by ParLUGment (Ottawa)

VLC (Vancouver LEGO® Club) by NALUG (Northern Alberta)

MILUG (Vancouver Island) by NewfoundLUG
A lot of great connections were made between RLUGs across Canada and we look forward to future collaborations (a few are already in the works!).